Tennis Off-Season: Training And Rest Tips

The tennis off-season provides a crucial window of opportunity for players to build strength, endurance, and skill. However, this period also requires strategic rest and recovery to avoid burnout and injuries. As a tennis off-season training and rest expert, I have seen firsthand how the right combination of training and rest can make all the difference in a player’s performance during the competitive season.

During the off-season, players should focus on building their physical and mental conditioning through targeted exercises that address their weaknesses. This includes improving cardiovascular capacity, agility, strength, and flexibility. At the same time, it is essential not to overlook the importance of rest and recovery to allow the body to heal from any injuries or strain from the previous season. By striking a balance between training and rest, players can emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before. In this article, we will explore some practical tips for getting the most out of your tennis off-season training and resting regime.

Understanding The Importance Of The Tennis Off-Season

Have you ever felt exhausted after a long tennis season? This feeling is not uncommon among athletes, as the constant physical and mental demands of training and competition can take a toll on the body. That’s why the tennis off-season is crucial – it provides players with an opportunity to rest, recover, and prepare for the next season.

Rest is essential for any athlete, as it allows the body to repair and rebuild itself. During training and competition, muscles are broken down and need time to recover. Without adequate rest, this process cannot occur, which can lead to injuries or burnout. Additionally, rest provides mental rejuvenation by allowing players to step away from the stresses of competitive play.

Avoiding burnout is a key benefit of the tennis off-season. Burnout occurs when athletes experience chronic stress or fatigue from training and competition without sufficient recovery time. This can result in decreased performance, increased injury risk, and even depression or anxiety. The tennis off-season offers players a chance to recharge both physically and mentally, reducing their risk of burnout in the upcoming season.

Overall, understanding the importance of the tennis off-season is critical for any player looking to improve their skills and stay healthy throughout their career. By taking advantage of this time for rest and recovery, players can avoid burnout, reduce their risk of injury, and come back stronger than ever before.

As we move into the off-season period, it’s important for players to set goals that will help them make progress towards their long-term objectives.

Setting Goals For The Off-Season

Understanding the Importance of the Tennis Off-Season is crucial as it provides an opportunity for players to rest and recover from any injuries or fatigue accumulated during the competitive season. It also presents a chance for players to develop their skills, prepare physically and mentally for the upcoming season, and set realistic goals.

Goal setting strategies are critical in achieving success during the off-season. Instead of setting lofty goals, break them down into smaller attainable ones. For instance, if your goal is to improve your serve, start by working on your technique then progress to adding more power and consistency. Also, ensure that you keep track of your progress metrics such as how many serves you hit accurately in a row or how fast your serve has become.

Measuring progress metrics is essential in determining whether you are on track towards achieving your goals. Keep a journal or logbook where you can record your training sessions, workouts, and progress made. This will enable you to see what areas need improvement and adjust accordingly. Seek feedback from coaches or training partners who can point out areas that need improvement.

Setting aside time to assess your strengths and weaknesses is vital in developing a comprehensive off-season training plan. Analyze what worked well during the previous season and what needs improvement. Use this information to create a training plan that caters explicitly to improving weak areas while maintaining strengths.

Moving forward into Setting Goals for the Off-Season, assessing your strengths and weaknesses will help you set realistic and achievable goals that align with both short-term objectives and long-term aspirations.

Assessing Your Strengths And Weaknesses

As a tennis player, it’s essential to identify your strengths and weaknesses. It all starts with understanding where you stand and what areas need improvement. Think about it as a road map; you can’t get to your destination without first knowing where you’re headed. Identifying skill gaps is an excellent way to help you achieve your goals.

One of the most effective ways to assess your skills is by analyzing data from past matches. It could be as simple as reviewing how many unforced errors you made or looking at more in-depth statistics like first serve percentage or break point conversion rate. Once you have this information, create a table with three columns: Skill, Strengths, and Opportunities for Improvement. In the Skill column, list each aspect of your game (e.g., groundstrokes, volleys, serving). In the Strengths column, write down what you excel at in each category, and in the Opportunities for Improvement column, list areas that need work.

It’s important to address technique issues if you want to improve your performance. For instance, suppose you notice that your backhand slice lacks depth and power consistently. In that case, it could be due to improper technique or lack of practice. Take a step back and assess what changes need to be made in terms of grip, footwork or follow-through. Seek guidance from a coach if necessary.

Once you have identified skill gaps and addressed any technical issues holding you back, it’s time to develop a comprehensive training plan that addresses these areas’ specifics. The next section will cover developing such plans in detail so that you can train during the off-season effectively. Remember that assessing your strengths and weaknesses is just one part of the process; putting in the work is equally crucial for success on the court!

Developing A Comprehensive Training Plan

After assessing your strengths and weaknesses, it’s time to develop a comprehensive training plan for the tennis off-season. One of the most important considerations in any training plan is injury prevention. Tennis players often suffer from overuse injuries due to the repetitive nature of the sport. To reduce the risk of injury, focus on exercises that strengthen the muscles used in tennis, such as those in the shoulders, arms, and legs. Additionally, make sure to incorporate adequate rest periods into your plan.

Another key aspect of an effective off-season training plan is recovery techniques. Tennis can be very taxing on the body and without proper recovery strategies in place, you may find yourself struggling to keep up with your training schedule. Some popular recovery techniques include foam rolling, stretching, and massage therapy. These techniques can help alleviate soreness and stiffness while also improving flexibility and range of motion.

In addition to injury prevention and recovery techniques, building cardiovascular endurance is also crucial for a successful tennis off-season training plan. Cardiovascular endurance refers to your ability to sustain physical activity for extended periods of time without experiencing fatigue or exhaustion. To build this endurance, incorporate activities such as running or cycling into your routine. You can also try high-intensity interval training (HIIT) which involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by periods of rest.

By incorporating these elements into a comprehensive training plan, you’ll be well on your way to achieving success during the tennis off-season. Remember that consistency is key when it comes to training – stick with your plan and you’ll see results over time.

Building Cardiovascular Endurance

Cardiovascular endurance is crucial for tennis players during the off-season. According to a study by the International Journal of Sports Medicine, cardiovascular fitness is directly related to tennis performance. Players with higher levels of cardiovascular endurance have better accuracy and reaction times on the court. Therefore, it is essential for players to train with a focus on improving their cardiovascular fitness.

Interval training is an effective way to build cardiovascular endurance. This type of training involves alternating high-intensity exercise with periods of rest or low-intensity activity. For example, a player could run at maximum effort for 30 seconds followed by jogging for 60 seconds, then repeat this cycle several times. Interval training helps improve heart health and lung capacity while also increasing stamina.

Endurance drills can also help improve cardiovascular endurance in tennis players. Endurance drills involve performing continuous physical activity for extended periods without stopping or slowing down. For example, a player could perform a series of sprints across the court followed by shadow swings without resting in between. These drills help players maintain stamina throughout long matches and reduce fatigue.

Incorporating both interval training and endurance drills into your off-season training routine can help you build strong cardiovascular endurance, which will ultimately improve your performance on the court. By implementing these exercises regularly, you can increase your stamina, reduce fatigue during matches, and improve your overall game.

As we move forward in our discussion about tennis off-season training and rest tips, it’s important to discuss enhancing agility and footwork on the court.

Enhancing Agility And Footwork

Agility and footwork are crucial in tennis, as it requires quick movements and changes of direction. There are various drills and equipment that can help players improve their agility on the court. One effective drill is the ladder drill, where players run through a ladder placed on the ground with quick foot movements. This can improve their footwork and overall speed on the court.

Another piece of equipment that can enhance agility is the agility cone set. Players can practice weaving in and out of cones to improve their lateral movements. The cones can also be set up in different patterns to simulate game situations, making it more challenging for players to react quickly.

Plyometric exercises are also beneficial for improving footwork in tennis. These exercises focus on explosive movements such as jumps, hops, and bounds. They help develop power in the legs and core muscles, which translate into better movement on the court.

Some plyometric exercises include jumping lunges, box jumps, and single-leg hops. It’s essential to start with low-intensity exercises before gradually increasing intensity levels to avoid injury.

Incorporating drills and equipment for agility along with plyometric exercises for footwork into an off-season training routine can significantly improve a player’s performance on the court. In the next section, we will discuss strength training for tennis players, which is another critical aspect of a well-rounded off-season training regimen that should not be overlooked.

Strength Training For Tennis Players

As a tennis player, building strength is crucial to success on the court. Strength training can be likened to laying a foundation for a house; without it, the structure will crumble under pressure. It is essential to prioritize injury prevention when engaging in strength training during the off-season. This means taking the necessary precautions before beginning a workout routine, such as properly warming up and cooling down, using proper technique, and gradually increasing intensity.

Injury prevention begins with proper technique. A common mistake among tennis players is prioritizing heavy weights over proper form. While lifting heavy weights may seem impressive, it is not worth sacrificing the integrity of your joints and muscles. Proper technique involves maintaining control throughout each movement, engaging the correct muscles, and avoiding excessive strain on vulnerable areas like the knees and lower back.

The next step in injury prevention is gradual progression. As tempting as it may be to push yourself beyond your limits, overtraining can lead to serious injuries that will set you back rather than propel you forward. Instead, start with lighter weights or bodyweight exercises and gradually increase intensity over time. This approach allows your body to adapt at a safe pace while minimizing risk of injury.

Incorporating strength training into your off-season routine can significantly improve performance on the court by increasing power and endurance while reducing risk of injury. However, it’s crucial to prioritize injury prevention by using proper technique and gradually progressing in weight and intensity. By building a strong foundation through safe and effective strength training practices during the off-season, you’ll be well-equipped for success come tournament season.

With injury prevention as a top priority in mind for tennis players during their off-season training regime, there are other key aspects one should focus on for an all-round game improvement; Improving flexibility & range of motion being one of them.

Improving Flexibility And Range Of Motion

1.Stretching should be a key component of any tennis off-season training plan, as it helps to improve flexibility and range of motion. 2.Foam rolling can also help to improve flexibility and range of motion, as it helps to release muscle tension and restore natural joint mobility. 3.Dynamic exercises can be incorporated into a tennis off-season training program to help improve flexibility and range of motion. 4.Dynamic exercises, such as light jogging and dynamic stretching, should be done at a low intensity to avoid fatigue and injury. 5.When performing dynamic exercises, it is important to focus on proper form and breathing to maximize the benefits. 6.In addition to stretching, foam rolling, and dynamic exercises, rest is an important part of improving flexibility and range of motion during the off-season.


As a tennis off-season training and rest tips expert, I strongly emphasize the importance of stretching to improve flexibility and range of motion. Dynamic stretching is an excellent way to warm up your muscles before starting any activity. This type of stretching involves moving through a range of motion, gradually increasing the intensity until you reach your maximum ability. Dynamic stretching prepares the body for physical activity by increasing blood flow to the muscles, improving joint mobility, and reducing the risk of injury.

Static stretching is another way to improve flexibility, but it should be done after physical activity when your muscles are already warmed up. Static stretching involves holding a stretch for 20-30 seconds without moving. It helps increase muscle length and reduce muscle tension. This type of stretching can be particularly helpful in preventing injuries such as strains or sprains.

Incorporating both dynamic and static stretches into your off-season training regimen can help you achieve greater flexibility and range of motion. These stretches also help minimize soreness and stiffness that may occur during the off-season due to less intense training sessions.

Overall, incorporating regular dynamic and static stretches into your tennis off-season training routine can significantly improve your overall performance on the court. By doing so, you can increase your flexibility, reduce your risk of injury, and improve your overall athletic ability.

Foam Rolling

Improving flexibility and range of motion is crucial for tennis players to enhance their performance on the court. In addition to dynamic and static stretching, foam rolling is a technique that has gained popularity in recent years as a way to improve flexibility. Foam rolling involves using a cylindrical foam roller to apply pressure to muscles and fascia, promoting muscle relaxation, increased blood flow, and improved range of motion.

One of the benefits of foam rolling is that it can help reduce muscle soreness and tension after an intense workout or match. It also helps break up adhesions in the muscles and fascia which can restrict movement and limit mobility. Moreover, foam rolling can be used as a form of self-massage which can assist in injury prevention and rehabilitation.

To properly perform foam rolling exercises, it is important to maintain proper form. Begin by placing the roller under the targeted muscle group, then slowly roll back and forth along the length of the muscle while applying gentle pressure. Focus on any areas that feel particularly tight or tender, spending more time working on those spots. It is essential to avoid placing excessive pressure on bones or joints while foam rolling.

Incorporating foam rolling into an off-season training regimen can significantly improve flexibility and range of motion while reducing soreness and stiffness. By regularly performing this technique with proper form, tennis players can increase their athletic ability by improving joint mobility, decreasing risk of injury, and optimizing performance on the court.

Dynamic Exercises

Improving flexibility and range of motion is essential in tennis, as it can help players achieve better performance on the court. In addition to foam rolling, another technique that can be incorporated into off-season training to improve flexibility is dynamic exercises. Dynamic exercises involve active movements that help warm up the muscles and increase blood flow before engaging in rigorous activities.

Dynamic stretching differs from static stretching in that it involves movement through a full range of motion instead of holding the stretch for an extended period. This type of exercise helps prepare the body for physical activity by increasing heart rate and circulation while improving flexibility and coordination. Dynamic exercises also aid in injury prevention by activating the muscles needed for specific movements.

Incorporating dynamic exercises into warm-up routines is crucial to prevent injuries such as strains, sprains, or tears. These types of injuries can occur when the body is not adequately prepared for intense physical activity. By performing dynamic exercises before playing tennis, players can reduce their risk of injury while improving their overall performance on the court.

Some examples of dynamic exercises include leg swings, walking lunges with a twist, side shuffles, and high knees. These exercises are easy to perform and require little equipment or space, making them ideal for at-home workouts during the off-season.

In conclusion, incorporating dynamic exercises into a tennis player’s warm-up routine can significantly improve flexibility and range of motion while reducing the risk of injury during play. It is important to remember that proper form should always be maintained while performing these exercises to avoid strain or injury to muscles or joints. By following a consistent off-season training regimen that includes dynamic exercises and other techniques such as foam rolling, tennis players can optimize their athletic ability on the court.

Mental Conditioning Techniques

Apart from physical training, mental conditioning is also essential for tennis players to perform their best during the season. The off-season is an ideal time to focus on mental conditioning techniques that can help players prepare for the upcoming season. Visualization techniques are one of the most effective ways to enhance mental strength and performance. Visualization involves creating a vivid picture of successful performances in your mind before executing them in real life. This technique helps players build confidence, reduce anxiety, and improve concentration.

Another useful technique for mental conditioning is breathing exercises. Controlled breathing can help players relax their mind and body, reducing stress and anxiety. A simple yet powerful breathing exercise is diaphragmatic breathing, which involves taking deep breaths while contracting the diaphragm muscle instead of shallow chest breaths. This technique slows down heart rate and reduces tension in muscles, improving overall performance.

It is crucial to practice these techniques regularly during the off-season so that they become second nature when it’s time to compete. Players should incorporate visualization and breathing exercises into their daily routine for maximum benefits. Additionally, seeking guidance from a sports psychologist or mental coach can provide personalized strategies and support.

Incorporating mental conditioning techniques into your off-season training routine can significantly impact your overall performance during the season. These simple but effective techniques can help players develop a competitive edge by building confidence, reducing anxiety, and enhancing concentration levels on the court.

Moving forward, it’s essential to understand the importance of nutrition and hydration for tennis players’ peak performance during the season.

The Importance Of Nutrition And Hydration

Proper nutrition and hydration play a vital role in the overall success of an athlete’s training during the off-season. Athletes need to maintain a balanced diet, consuming the right amount of essential nutrients necessary for their bodies to function optimally. This includes carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals.

Staying hydrated is equally important as dehydration can lead to fatigue and decreased athletic performance. It is recommended that athletes drink at least eight glasses of water daily. However, during intense training sessions or hot weather conditions, they may need more fluids to prevent dehydration. Sports drinks can also be beneficial as they provide electrolytes lost through sweating.

Nutritional requirements during the off-season vary depending on an athlete’s specific goals and training regimen. For tennis players, it is crucial to consume enough protein to support muscle growth and recovery from intense workouts. Carbohydrates are also important for providing energy during matches and training sessions. Healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids found in fish or nuts help reduce inflammation caused by high-intensity exercise.

To ensure proper nutrient intake throughout the off-season, athletes should focus on consuming whole foods such as lean meats, whole grains, fruits and vegetables while avoiding processed foods high in sugar and unhealthy fats.

In summary, proper nutrition and hydration are key components in an athlete’s off-season training regimen. Adequate fluid intake and nutrient-rich foods help sustain energy levels during long hours of practice while facilitating muscle repair between workouts. In the following section, we will discuss strategies for recovery and rest that further aid athletes in achieving their full potential on the court.

Strategies For Recovery And Rest

As a tennis player, you need to take recovery seriously. The off-season is the perfect time to focus on this aspect of your training. However, it is not just about taking time off the court and doing nothing. It involves developing a comprehensive plan that includes rest, nutrition, and active recovery techniques.

One technique that is highly recommended is foam rolling. This self-massage technique helps to release tension in your muscles and improve circulation. By using a foam roller, you can target specific areas of your body that are prone to tightness and soreness. Incorporating foam rolling into your daily routine during the off-season can help you prevent injuries and improve your overall performance on the court.

Another effective strategy for recovery is active recovery. This involves engaging in low-intensity activities that promote blood flow to your muscles without causing additional stress or strain. Examples include yoga, swimming, and cycling. These activities help to flush out lactic acid from your muscles while promoting healing and regeneration.

Table: Sample Foam Rolling Routine

Body PartTechniqueRepetitions
CalvesPlace foam roller under calves, lift hips up, roll back and forth from ankle to knee10-15 per leg
QuadsLie face down with foam roller under thighs, roll back and forth from hip to knee10-15 per leg
BackSit with foam roller under shoulder blades, slowly lower back towards ground then raise up again10-15 reps

Incorporating these strategies into your off-season training regimen will help you recover faster while improving your overall performance on the court. However, it is important to remember that recovery is not a one-time event but an ongoing process that should be integrated into your daily life as a tennis player. In the next section, we will discuss ways to prevent and treat injuries so that you can stay healthy and active on the court.

Preventing And Treating Injuries

Common injuries are a risk for any athlete, including tennis players. The repetitive nature of the sport puts a strain on various parts of the body, leading to potential injuries. Some common tennis injuries include tennis elbow, shoulder injuries, ankle sprains and knee pain. These can lead to prolonged absence from the court and hinder your progress during the off-season.

To prevent such injuries, it’s important to incorporate injury prevention techniques into your training routine. Before engaging in any physical activity, always warm up properly with stretching exercises that target the muscles you’ll be using during play. This will increase blood flow and prepare your body for strenuous activity.

Another way to prevent injury is through strength training exercises that target specific areas prone to injury. For example, strengthening exercises for the wrist and forearm can help reduce the likelihood of developing tennis elbow. In addition, conditioning drills like agility work and plyometrics can improve overall fitness and reduce the risk of sprains or strains.

In case an injury does occur, it’s important to seek medical attention immediately. Ignoring an injury or trying to play through it may worsen the condition or lead to further damage. Early diagnosis and treatment can also speed up recovery time so you can get back on court as soon as possible.

  • Stay hydrated: Proper hydration helps keep joints lubricated and reduces muscle cramps.
  • Wear appropriate gear: Tennis shoes with proper support and shock absorption can help prevent ankle sprains.
  • Take rest days: Rest is essential for recovery and preventing overuse injuries.
  • Use proper technique: Using correct technique when hitting the ball can help reduce stress on joints.
  • Maintain balance: Incorporating cross-training activities like yoga or Pilates into your routine helps maintain muscular balance throughout the body.

Moving forward with these prevention techniques in mind will help ensure a safe and successful off-season for any tennis player. However, monitoring progress is equally important to track performance improvements as well as identify areas for improvement. In the next section, we’ll discuss how to monitor your progress and adjust your training plan for optimal results.

Monitoring Progress And Adjusting Your Plan

To prevent injuries during the tennis off-season, it is important to maintain a balanced training regimen that incorporates strength and conditioning exercises. Even with proper preventative measures, injuries can still occur. In the event of an injury, it is crucial to seek medical attention immediately and follow a rehabilitation plan prescribed by a qualified professional.

Once you have healed from any injuries sustained during the season or off-season, it is essential to track your progress as you resume your training regimen. Regular monitoring of your performance will allow you to adjust your training program accordingly. This will help ensure that you are making improvements in areas that need more focus while avoiding overtraining and potential injury.

Tracking progress involves setting measurable goals for yourself and recording your progress over time. This could include measuring agility, speed, endurance, or other key performance indicators. By regularly reviewing these metrics, you can gain insight into areas where you need improvement and adjust your training regimen accordingly.

Adjusting your regimen may involve changing up your workout routine or incorporating new exercises to address weaknesses in specific areas. It may also involve adjusting the frequency or intensity of your workouts based on how well you are progressing towards your goals. By maintaining a flexible approach to training and regularly monitoring progress, you can achieve optimal results during the tennis off-season while minimizing the risk of injury.

As we move forward into optimizing our tennis off-season regime further, incorporating cross-training into our program is essential for improving overall fitness levels and reducing injury risk.

Incorporating Cross-Training Into Your Regime

Cross-training, also known as a combination of exercises from different disciplines or sports, has become increasingly popular among athletes. Tennis players can benefit significantly from incorporating cross-training into their off-season regime. It helps improve overall fitness, balance, flexibility, and coordination. Additionally, it reduces the risk of injury and prevents boredom that could arise from repetitive training.

There are many popular cross-training activities that tennis players can incorporate into their off-season training regime. These include cycling, swimming, yoga or Pilates classes, weight training, and running. Cycling is an excellent cardiovascular workout that helps to build endurance while reducing the risk of impact injuries that may occur with running. Swimming is also a low-impact exercise that improves cardiovascular health while building strength in the upper body. Yoga or Pilates classes help increase flexibility and core strength while reducing stress levels.

Weight training is another excellent way to build strength in muscles used for tennis-specific movements such as serving or groundstrokes. It also helps to prevent muscle imbalances which can lead to injury if not addressed appropriately. Running offers a high-intensity workout that increases cardiovascular health as well as leg strength.

Incorporating cross-training activities can be a great way to enhance your off-season training routine and achieve better fitness levels for optimal performance during the competitive season. Remember to choose activities that complement your overall fitness goals and target areas where you need improvement. By doing so, you will experience improved performance on the court and reduce your risk of injury during play.

Transition: Now that we have looked at how cross-training can benefit your off-season training routine let’s explore some tips for preparing for the competitive season ahead.

Preparing For The Competitive Season

Cross-training has proven to be an effective way to improve tennis performance. It’s like playing a game of chess, where you have to think several moves ahead. Similarly, cross-training requires a strategic approach that involves planning and executing specific exercises that target different muscle groups. However, with the off-season coming up, it’s time for players to take a break from their regular training regime and focus on injury prevention and mental preparation.

Injury prevention is crucial during the off-season as it allows players to recover from any injuries sustained during the competitive season. The most common tennis injuries are related to the lower back, shoulder, elbow, wrist, and knee. To prevent these injuries, players should incorporate stretching exercises into their daily routine. This will help increase flexibility and reduce the risk of strains and sprains. Additionally, investing in proper equipment such as shoes with good support can also prevent injuries.

Mental preparation is equally important as physical fitness. Tennis is not just a game of physical strength but also a game of mental toughness. During the off-season, players should engage in activities that help them relax and clear their minds. These activities can include meditation, yoga or even reading books on sports psychology. Developing good habits such as positive self-talk also helps build mental resilience.

To summarize the importance of injury prevention and mental preparation during the off-season, refer to the table below:

ImportanceInjury PreventionMental Preparation
BenefitReduces risk of injuryBuilds mental resilience
Key ActivitiesStretching exercises; Proper equipmentMeditation; Yoga; Positive self-talk

In conclusion, incorporating cross-training into your training regime can significantly improve your tennis performance. However, during the off-season it’s important to shift focus towards injury prevention and mental preparation as this will help you perform better when you return to competitive play. By following these tips and adopting healthy habits both physically and mentally during this time, you will set yourself up for success in the upcoming season.


The tennis off-season presents a critical period for players to rejuvenate, recover, and prepare for the upcoming competitive season. By setting achievable goals, identifying strengths and weaknesses, developing a comprehensive training plan, building cardiovascular endurance, preventing and treating injuries, monitoring progress, incorporating cross-training into your regime, and preparing for the competitive season, you can maximize your potential as an athlete.

As an expert in tennis off-season training and rest tips, I encourage all players to take advantage of this crucial period to rest both physically and mentally. Remember that success is not only determined by how well you play during the competitive season but also by how well you manage your off-season period. Embrace the opportunity to train hard while also taking care of yourself holistically. Focus on achieving balance in all aspects of your life so that you can return to the court feeling refreshed and ready to dominate with renewed energy and vigor. So let’s get started!

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